Monday, December 13, 2010

2004 Olympics in Athens

What did it to the economy?

As it was in good times for the rest of the world, hosting the Olympics - well, it threw them into a deeper funk. The economy has been in trouble for a long time now and who knows what would've happened if its European partners didn't hand out rescue loans to keep them afloat.

The country spent billions of dollars on different venues for the big event, but 6 years later.. what good are they now? A reported $1.2 billion dollars was used for security alone! A simpler way to put it - the Olympics ended up costing more than they had originally anticipated, was it worth the damage its done?

Although some would argue that the debt the country is in isn't all due to the 2004 event, it has definitely done a lot of damage. Perhaps if they put to use some of that land that isn't being used now to provide jobs to the unemployed, they wouldn't be criticized about overspending.

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